Canmore Nordic Ski Club

The Canmore Nordic Ski Club (CNSC) was created more than 35 years ago, and formally organized under the provisions of the Alberta Societies Act since 1991. The Club has an active membership of roughly 600 members year in and year out.

Approximately 350 children every year are registered in one of our programs, from the early Jackrabbit program through to recreational programs for kids 10-17 years old and up to youth and junior racing programs. We have diverse adult programming ranging from beginners to advanced, be it to improve and hone your skills and challenge yourself, learn how to do biathlon, or ski with friends and get outside for a social outing. About 150 adults yearly take part in these programs, and roughly 150 members at large take part in the more social activities, family races and other fun events.

CNSC employs one program director and four coaches who help to deliver most of the racing programs but are also actively involved in the creation and coaching of our recreational and social programs. The Club has more than 30 volunteer instructors, athletes and coaches who support the club in the delivery of programs. All CNSC instructors have at least their CANSI Level 1 coaching certificate.

The Club raises funds primarily through membership dues and program fees and through hosting several ski and biathlon races and the Canada Day Fun Run. We traditionally have not relied heavily on grants or aggressive fund raising.

The Club is one of the largest members of Nordiq Alberta.


Canmore Nordic is a community cross-country and biathlon ski club that nurtures sport for life with a focus on excellence in grass roots to competitive programing for children, youth, adults and families.


Canmore Nordic is an inclusive full-service club with sought after programs and high quality coaching, which supports our members on a proven path to reach personal bests. Canmore Nordic honors its legacy and aspires to be the club of choice.


  • Sport for life – Love of skiing and long-term athlete development
  • Welcoming, accessible, affordable and inclusive
  • Supportive, safe team environment
  • Fair play
  • Participation/volunteerism
  • Multi-sport training approach
  • Financial sustainability
  • Connection to outdoors and fostering environmental stewardship