Adult Biathlon Programs

Adult Summer Biathlon Camp (August)
Focus: Introduction to Biathlon
The biathlon summer camp is for adults new to the sport. No prior experience with shooting or skiing is required. Four sessions will focus on rifle safety, skill development, and fun. The program will include activities like running and games geared towards general fitness.

Coaching: Kerstin Wichers
Coaching contact: Caitlin Campbell

DATES: August 13-16
TIMES: 5:00-6:30
MEETING PLACE: Canmore Nordic Ski Club team room in the biathlon parking area
COST: $310 
Fees cover coaching, daily range passes, rifle rental, targets, and ammunition. Does not include CNSC, Biathlon Canada, and Nordiq Canada memberships (mandatory).
PARTICIPANTS: 15 maximum

Adult Rec Biathlon (February)
Focus: Introduction to Biathlon
Biathlon .22 calibre rifle program for adults new to the sport, no prior experience with shooting or skiing required. Four weekly sessions will be focused on rifle safety, skill development, and fun. The program will include activities like running and games geared towards general fitness.

Coaching: Kerstin Wichers
Coaching contact: Caitlin Campbell

DATES: February 3-24
TIMES: Mondays 4:45-6:15
MEETING PLACE: Canmore Nordic Ski Club team room in the biathlon parking area
COST: $310 
Fees cover coaching, daily range passes, rifle rental, targets, and ammunition. Does not include CNSC, Biathlon Canada, and Nordiq Canada memberships (mandatory).
PARTICIPANTS: 15 maximum


Masters Biathlon (October to February)
Focus: Biathlon Rifle Skill and Ski Skill Development
Biathlon .22 calibre rifle program for adults with some experience in the sport or who have completed the introduction program. Sessions will be focused on rifle skills development, ski fitness and skills, and an introduction to competition. Participants may be supported in up to three Calforex Cup race weekends during the season. Participants will need their own skate ski equipment. ski rentals are available at Trail Sports. Participants are encouraged to supply their own biathlon rifles. or may rent a club rifle for $450 (limited availability, first come first served). 

Coaching: Caitlin Campbell
Coaching contact: Caitlin Campbell

DATES: October 3 to February 27 (no session Dec 26)
October- November: Thursdays 4:45-6:15
December-February: Tuesdays 4:45-6:15
MEETING PLACE: Canmore Nordic Ski Club team room in the biathlon parking area
COST: $735
Fees cover coaching, daily range passes, targets, and ammunition. Does not include CNSC, Biathlon Canada, and Nordiq Canada memberships (mandatory).
PARTICIPANTS: 10 maximum

Purchasing a Biathlon Alberta (BA) Membership is mandatory before you register in a Biathlon program. BA provides insurance coverage when the participant is in the range area. The Adult Recreational .22 programs require a Recreational Athlete Membership for both Biathlon Canada and Biathlon Alberta.

Get your Biathlon membership here before registering for the program.
Helpful information on BA membership categories:

    • Choose “Civilian Biathlon Program”
    • For Adult Rec, choose “Recreational” under Membership Category
    • For Masters Biathlon, choose “Masters Men/Women” under Membership Category