Adult Programming

Ski With Intensity and Friends on Thursdays (Winter)

FOCUS: Fitness, having fun skiing and challenging yourself.
A fun and sometimes intense skiing program for adults, changing between classic and skate skiing.
Sessions will include intensity training, some technique training, a warm-up, and a cool-down.
Skiers are expected to be intermediate or advanced.

Masters Program (Fall/Winter)

Twice a week program designed for skiers interested in improving their fitness, ski technique, and strength for racing. 

Adult Ski Lessons (Winter)

A five or ten week program open to adults, divided into one or two 5-week sessions. This program gives participants the skills to enjoy the great ski trails around the Canmore Nordic Centre and beyond. Participants may select two classic ski sessions, two skate ski sessions, or one classic ski and one skate ski session. All ski lessons are taught by Canmore Nordic Ski Club instructors who are trained & certified by the Canadian Association of Nordic Ski Instructors (CANSI)
NOTE: Sessions will be based on demand; therefore, some choices may not be available. If a participant chooses to do two sessions in the same discipline, the program will not be a continuation but will be repetition (instructor may or may not be the same)
Participants choose one of three levels.

Hares (Winter)

If parents are interested in taking part in ski lessons while their child is in Jackrabbits, we are running the Hares program for season 2023/2024. This program is for beginners to the sport, or those who may have done just a little skiing. This course will teach you the fundamentals of skiing and give you the skills to enjoy yourself on the easier trails, so you can get out for a ski with your Jackrabbit! Same dates and times as Jackrabbits sessions. A rental package deal is on offer from Trail Sports for the program too!