2013-2014 Tentative Schedule for LC and T3 program

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  • #7342

    Rachel Koroscil

    Athletes and Parents:

    The tentative biathlon training schedule is listed below. Please review and provide Alain or myself feedback. This schedule is planned to give you maximum physical training time with the shooting hours required to continue your development as a biathlete.

    Tuesday: Biathlon LC and T3 – 3:30 – 5:00 (followed by physical training 5:00-6:45)
    Wednesday: (LC Physical Training)
    Thursday: Biathlon LC 4:30 – 6:30
    (T3 Physical Training from 4:30-6:30)
    Friday: If 1/2 day – Biathlon LC and T3 – 1:30-3:00
    Saturday: If no 1/2 day Friday- Biathlon LC and T3 – 8:30-10:00

    1. Tuesday: This plan was presented in the spring. Car pooling from Collegiate will have to be arranged. A locker in the team room will be available for rifle storage.
    2. There will be 10 additional weekend training times scheduled for the fall/early winter. Once the camp and racing schedule is confirmed I can plan these dates.



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