AB Cup #1 Interval Skate Race

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    Matt DeCarufel

    The race season has begun! Let’s get out there and have some fun with all that training you have done.

    Weather: Light snow with a low of -4 and a high of +1 with wind

    Arrive at the Teamroom 1 hour and 15 minutes before your start.

    Look on Zone4.ca to find your start time.

    TT and Younger will have a group warm up as always based on the category start time.

    Check in with the greeter to get your bib and any updates about the day.

    We have an athlete lounge in Wax Room 24 in the Taj Ma Hall

    All the race distances and course maps are online here:

    Race stat will be at the end of the range and the finish will be close to the Biathlon building

    Course Closes at 8:50 (inner loop) 9:20 (outer loop)

    Warm up on the Banff Trail/XC Stadium

    The tracking rule is in effect. Track loud and early. If you are tracked, respect the rule, give way, and get back on with your race.

    13:05 for AM Racers
    15:45 for PM Racers

    “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” -Steve Prefontaine

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