AB Cup #4- Classic Mass Start

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    Sara Renner

    High five team and thanks to Hugh, Rachel and Michel for leading the team this weekend. From Matt “Good racing out there today team. Many great rounds and lots learned throughout the day. Keep that power going into tomorrow!”

    Weather: Low -6 and about -2 at race time, light wind, partly cloudy.

    Course Details:
    U12 M/F – 2.0km (1 x 2.0km blue)
    U10 M/F- 750m (1 x 750m green)

    Start times are on Zone4. https://zone4.ca/race/2023-01-08/6c642b2e/startlist For the U12, the males start first, then the females 2 min after. The starters will load the whole grid with the males in the front, then the females behind. Start the males, females ski forward 20 M to your start tag, hold for 2 min, and start on the command. The U10 are starting girls and boys together. Timing chips will be in the stadium.

    U12 boys and girls. Arrive at the team room at 10:15 to collect your bib. The girls will warm up with Rachel and the boys with Michel.
    U10 boys and girls. Arrive at the team room at 11:00 to collect your bid. The U10 will warm up with Hugh.

    Awards will be at 12:30 at the west end of the day lodge.

    Have fun, try your best and support your teammates!

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