AB Cup Details

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  • #6824


    Saturday/Sunday: AB Cups. Glide wax your skis with LF4 (best), Start Green, or Solda Green. Check the start list on http://www.zone4.ca after 8pm on Friday evening. Arrive the team room 1.00-1.25 hrs before your start on Saturday morning. Race notice and maps here: http://www.rmracers.ca/2011/02/27/142/

    Arrive and check in with the team room to pick up your bib and find out warm up times. We will plan to meet back at the team room 40 minutes before your start to begin a warm up. Peewees will be warming up with Jen Blanchard Carlson, and I will be warming up with the Mini Midgets, other parents are welcome to chip in aswell.

    For Sunday, much of the same details above apply. I will have a list of the team sprint partners edited on this post later this evening, as well as a paper copy of the list in the team room Sunday.

    See you there.

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