Alberta Cup December 10 and 11. Updated Friday at 7:20 pm

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  • #16178

    Sara Renner

    Hello Track Attack,

    Bring your best, be kind and have fun. The first AB Cup race has arrived! The weather is looking great for a day of racing. Low of -10, but likely -4 at your race time.

    Saturday, December 10
    U10 Classic mass start 0.75 km
    U12 Classic mass start 2.5 km

    Drop off times
    U10 Boys and Girls: Arrive at 1:50 and meet Sara at the Wax Room #2 in the Biathlon
    U12 Boys and Girls: Arrive at 2:35 and meet Rachel and Hugh at Wax Room #2 in the Biathlon

    Start times:
    U10 Boys- 2:45 pm
    U10 Girls- 2:50
    U12 Boys: 3:25
    U12 Girls: 3:35

    Glide Wax
    The glide wax recommendation is:
    Saturday- CH6 (PS6) or Ulla Purple Black
    Sunday- CH4 (PS4) or Ulla Blue
    Glide waxing is not required and will not effect racing outcomes at the Track Attack age.

    Classic ski grip wax preparation
    The Canmore Nordic waxing team will apply grip wax on race day. The expectation is that classic skis are marked with your child’s name and race category with a marked, clean and sanded grip zone. To find grip zones: click here. Classic race skis can be delivered to the Canmore Nordic team room Friday at 4:30, or Saturday afternoon at 1:15 at the latest. The team room is in the biathlon stadium with a #2 on the door.

    Skate ski wax preparation
    Skate race skis can be delivered after your race on Saturday or 1.5 hours before your Sunday race start. We will give them an extra buff on the team buffer.

    How a race day looks
    Details for the race weekend (arrival time, updates from the coach meeting, etc) will be posted on the forum the night before each race at about 7pm. Race start lists will be posted on at about 4pm the day before the race. I will post a glide wax recommendation on Thursday using the most accurate weather forecast for the weekend. It will follow the club waxing guide and instruction for when to drop off classic skis (glide waxed by you, but clean kick zones) to the teamroom for grip waxing by our wax team.

    Saturday, December 10
    U10 Classic mass start 0.75 km
    U12 Classic mass start 2.5 km

    Sunday, December 11
    U10 Skate individual start 0.75 km
    U12 Skate individual start 3.0 km

    -Designed to build independence in the athletes. Allows parents to cheer for their kids and volunteer at the races.
    -Sign up on zone 4
    -Race details will be posted on the forum as soon as they become available.
    -Waxing classic skis- The Canmore Nordic waxing team will apply grip wax on race day. Parents are required to drop off skis and the timing will be posted on the forum. The expectation is that classic skis are marked with your child’s name and race category with a marked, clean and sanded grip zone. To find grip zones: click here
    -glide waxing is not required and will not effect racing outcomes at the Track Attack age. If you or your child is keen, a glide wax recommendation will be posted on the forum.
    -Start lists-  posted in the evening before each race on zone 4.
    -Race day: The drop off time is one hour before start times. The Drop off time will be posted on the forum after the start list is released.
    -Canmore Nordic is responsible for taking the kids on a warm up, bringing them the start line and a cool down  ski after the race. Hugs and high five’s welcome, especially after crossing the finish line!
    -No awards for U10

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