Alberta Youth Championships – Bragg Creek – Mar 1-3

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    Here is a great message from Rhonda about the upcoming weekend
    see you in bragg creek!

    Hi everyone,

    Here are the details for the upcoming youth champs weekend in Bragg Creek:

    Skis: wax both classic and skate skis with Solda Performance Red, make sure that skis are well scraped and brushed, classic skis should have grip zones sanded. If you have classic warmup skis bring them (not to worry if you don’t)

    Weekend schedule:

    ** all meals are included in the weekend starting with an after dinner snack on Friday

    Friday: 630pm – arrival at Kamp Kiwanis – intersection of highways 8 &22, 10km north of Bragg Creek. Please plan to have supper before you arrive.

    Saturday: 10am interval start skate race; 1pm mixed relay: this is a dressup event, theme for this year: tight, bright, fab hair and shades . So bust out your loud tights, bright socks, shorts (to wear over top of tights), wigs and crazy sunnies – it’s all good as long as you can ski in it (and I challenge all the boys to get more creative than just skiing in shorts and no top this year, besides it’s supposed to be snowing! )

    6pm banquet featuring guest speaker Olympic medalist Tara Whitten; 8pm – dance/coach’s social

    Sunday: 8am – move out of Kiwanis camp; 930am – wave start classic race

    Equipment list:

    – classic skis, boots, poles
    – skate skis, boots, poles
    – toque, buff, mitts, gloves
    – ski warmups and CNSC jacket
    – water bottle and holder
    – warm parka (it is supposed to be warm on Saturday but snowing and cold Sunday)
    – snow boots
    – sleeping bag, pillow
    – towel, toiletries
    – casual (regular) clothes including something to wear for the dance
    – headlamp (for in your room at night)
    – pyjamas
    – camera (optional, maybe your parents can handle the photography at the race site)
    – WATCH! (it is up to you to be on time for meals, rides to the venue etc.
    – costume for the relay (see above)

    It’s going to be a great weekend, bring your smile (and all of the above) and we’ll see you there!


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