Aug 1-7

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  • #6889


    Hi Team

    Rockwall hiking trip week!! I am excited to do the epic hike!

    Monday (1): No session, long weekend, training on own

    Tuesday (2): Precision shooting (8:30-10:00am), then warm-up, strength in gum and Rski SK intensity/ski strength (10-noon). We’ll be doing some skate technique too, don’t miss out!

    Wednesday (3)- Friday (5): ROCKWALL HIKING 😀 😀 😀 See email for details!

    Rockwall athletes: Please ensure you are organized well before departure day, make sure you have all the gear you need so your not running around looking for it the night before or morning of. Re-read the info I sent out and remember no peanuts or peanut products! :mrgreen:

    Have a great long weekend and get those important training hours in!

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