Aug. 14

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  • #17054

    Mark Naylor

    Hello U14-2’s

    Awesome work to those able to make it out to Foothills’ Camp this weekend, we’re hoping to make some more opportunities like those again, expect to see more in the future!

    If you attending our Fall Camp in Kimberley, be sure to confirm your answer on the sign up sheet by Tuesday, August 15 here!

    Here’s tomorrow’s plan for you:

    Monday (14) Skate Rollerski @ CNC

    5:00 – 6:30. Meet outside the BWTC. We will keep things light after the bigger weekend, jumping on skate rollerskis for a mix of agility and games.

    It’s hot hot hot out, don’t forget your water belts, and doesn’t hurt to have a bottle stashed in the car for after! 

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