Aug. 8-14 UPDATED

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  • #6893


    Hi Team,

    Great backcountry trip! Excellent training and fun times.

    Only 3 weeks left in summer so let’s put in a great 3 weeks of training! I challenge you all to step it up a notch with your training by attending as many sessions as possible and working hard to improve your fitness at sessions and with training on your own. Get er done! 😀

    Here’s the plan for this week:

    Monday (8): Intensity day today. 11:00am-12:30pm. Team room on RS-SK. Give yourself a few minutes at the end of the workout to watch your video.

    Tuesday (9): Shooting, 8:30-10:00am. Strength in gym + classic rollerskiing. Team room, 10:00-12:00.

    Wednesday (10): Z1-2 mt-biking Prairie View and Jewell Pass. More details on Monday (8). Meet at side of highway for a 9:00am start (Quaite valley, just passed heart creek/Lac Des Arcs parking lot). We’ll finish at around 12:30pm. Parents are welcome to join in.

    Thursday (11): Shooting, 8:30-10:00am, then running, agility, balance, coordination and speed work, finish with strength in gym. 10-noon

    Sunday (14): Haig meeting at 7:00pm for those new to the Haig camp

    Next week we get to ski! 😀 😀 😀

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