August 14-20 *Updated Thursday 7:15am*

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  • #17046

    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello Team,

    Well done last week for those who made all the sessions.  That was some great training building our training base for the season to come.  2 more weeks of summer left where we will continue our focus on endurance.  Lots of long steady time in LOW Z2.

    We coaches are working on the fall schedule (lots of moving parts to fit together with facility bookings and staffing), but we are close.  Hopefully we will get that to you this week.

    Looking to the fall schedule, we will take your first week back at school off from team training as we have done historically (Aug 28-Sep 3).  You have lots on your plate getting back into the school routine, and we have learned full team training is too much to handle that week.  Regular fall team training will begin Tuesday, Sep 5 after Labour Day.

    If you attending our Fall Camp in Kimberley, be sure to confirm your answer on the sign up sheet by August 15:

    Training this week:

    9:00-11:00 Classic Rollerski and Strength at the BWTC.
    U18 start in the gym, U16 start rollerskiing.

    9:00-11:00 Distance Run on the new Cloud Line Trail. Pack a bar in your drink belt.  Meet at the Three Sisters Disc Golf Course:

    9:00-10:30 Skate Rollerski Intensity (Bulls Eye).  Meet in front of the BWTC.


    Update Due to smoke: We will shorten today to just 2 hours, but still heading up the same route.  New time noted below.
    8:00-10:00 Run/Hike the Middle Sister. This is a great long hike right here in town building leg strength, agility, and aerobic endurance.  Older athletes will summit, younger athletes will likely stop at the upper meadow.  To make the most of your training, ensure you are fueling and hydrating properly.  This means 6 bars (or snacks/sandwiches) to eat about 30g of Carbohydrates/hour, and 3 L of water (0.5L/hour). Weather looks nice, but we all know how fast that can change- pack your rain jacket/toque/gloves.

    Meet at the East end of Three Sisters Parkway:

    “A wise man said that consistency compounds. And that compounding results in surprising “leaps” in performance despite feeling like you are just doing the daily grind “as usual”. Stringing together lots of ordinary, well-executed training days can give extraordinary results.” -Stephen Seiler

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