August 22-28th shooting camp week- UPDATED

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    Hi Team,

    We are off to the Haig next week so you should all know that plan for that 🙂

    The following week is our final shooting block and our final week of summer training, I hope to see everyone there!! The week after (first week in Sept.) there will be a week break (recovery week) with no team sessions, so please arrange your lives around these sessions so you can fully attend this final week of summer training and end on a high note!

    * if you are unable to attend any session please let me know by August 20th (Saturday) so I can plan and set-up for the camp.

    Monday (22): Ski stride intensity (bring classic poles, runners). Arrive at 11:30am and go for a 15min run. I will meet at the team room at 11:45am to do the intensity, shooting follows after a short lunch break till 3:30pm (You need to bring a pen/pencil and paper/book/dairy, we will plan out our range plans/procedures). Bring a lunch and a change of clothing too!

    Tuesday (23): Z1-2 Rski SK combo 3:00-5:00pm. Please arrive at 2:30pm and ski for 30min in Z1 before practice OR ski to practice (Z1 30min). The rest of the workout will come in the combo. Bring range plans from day before.

    Wednesday (24): Z1-3 Rski SK combo 11:30-1:30pm

    Thursday (25): Z3-4 Rski SK intensity to start (with XC) 11:30-1:00pm, followed by precision shooting from 1:30-3:30pm. Bring a lunch and a change of clothing!

    Additionally: I will be asking you to dryfire for 20-30min each night during the shooting block (Monday-Thursday). I will have a specific dryfire plan for these sessions.

    2 more weeks of focused training, you can make a lot of gains in this time frame, I encourage you all to step up the commitment for these final weeks 😀 😀


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