August training sessions!

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    HI Team:

    I am happy with the progress made in July when I was gone. Good job to the athletes and coaches!

    I have changed Aug. 5th and 7th practice plans. They are attached below. Below are also the practices (physical and combo) for august, as well as the plans for the shooting days while I am gone.

    I will be back Aug 22nd, you’ll see me the 23rd for our biathlon time trial. It looks like we will be doing it with foothills.

    For shooting: While I am away you’ll do some sight picture work and breath control. Read sections the powerpoint shooting education document and practice those elements in your dryfire! You should dryfire every day we do not shoot as a team. You must PERFECT everything I talk about in that document to be a great shooter.

    week 1:

    Tuesday (4): physical LC+. 5x1min Z5 ski striding. Meet Cougar creek. 9:00am start. Alain. Roddy back at school.

    Wednesday (5): Z1 CL combo and precision.Sight picture work. 8:30am start. Plan attached.

    Thursday (6): physical LC+ Z1 and sprints SK. Meet Harvey heights 9:00am start.

    Friday (7): Z3 Rski SK combo. 8:30am start. Target focus work. Jeff, Garth, Rich? Plan attached.

    Week 2:

    ABC CAMP for TC/LC.


    Tuesday (11):
    Z1 run on Montane trail. Meet at Cougar Creek parking lot at 9am, finish at Harvey Heights parking lot for the older athletes (TW/TC) and back to Cougar Creek parking lot for the LC’s.

    Wednesday (12): TW Z3 Rski sk combo with Scott (my dad). 6x5min Z3 (mass start and sprint simulations). Breathe control work. please READ powerpoint before practice! 8:30am start.

    Thursday (13): Z1 ski walk up Sulphur. 2 or 3 times up. Bring picture ID for the gondola ride down. Meet at cemetery parking lot at 8:30am. We might need some help with the driving to Banff. Parents are welcome to join in the workout.

    Friday (14): Training with NT. TW boys with Matthias for a TT. Mel with Geret for shooting test and Norquay TT. 8:30am start.

    week 3:

    Tuesday (18): Z3 Rski SK with XC around 2.5km NC loop (TC/TW: 4x LC: 2-3x, rest 4min). Kathy leading this. 9:00am start.

    Wednesday (19): Z1 RUNNING combo. 8:30am start. Breathe control work. READ or RE-READ the powerpoint on breathe control (2 pages).

    Thursday (20): train on own, no practice

    Friday (21): High Z3 combo (Mel Z4). 8:30am start. Amount on training plan and practice plan (depends on group). Breathe control is the focus.

    Sunday (23): Biathlon TT. Time TBD. Likely 10am start zero. I will be back to run this one.

    week 4:

    Tuesday (25): DP test, then precision test afterwards. 9:00-11:30am (maybe a bit later, depending on how long it take for you to do the precision test)

    Wednesday (26): Z1 Rski SK combo. Some drills and combo. 8:30am start.

    Thursday (27): BANFF CAMP!
    a.m. Z3 ski striding up Norquay ski hill, using cat walk 3x10min (down for 5min)

    p.m. Z1 rd bike from campground

    Friday (28):
    a.m. Z1 Rski SK at Sunshine DP + DA + legs only session

    p.m. Z1 run from campground

    Saturday (29):
    a.m. Norquay TT CL

    p.m. Z1 combo

    More camp details, including times will come later.

    Week 5:

    Check training plans but mostly off for first week of school/recovery week.

    I think one area that we as a team could do a better job, is dryfire! It takes many hours to develop a skill (like shooting), even more to become great! Dryfire is a great way to increase those hours. Besides OFF days, You can dryfire everyday you don’t shoot.

    Finally, remember to keep up with the ilog, some of you are doing that very well. This helps to keep me in the loop while I am away. That way I can do a better job montioring you all to make sure your training and progress is going as good as possible.

    see ya’ll in a few weeks… 😛 😛

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