Basic Wax Clinic – Thursday Nov 15 – 630-730pm

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  • #7329


    Hi T1/2 parents,

    I will be offering a basic wax clinic on thursday nov 15 from 630-730pm. the intended participants are parents who have not attended a basic wax clinic in the past with cnsc.

    outcomes of the basic wax clinic
    – be able to glide wax classic and skate skis
    – be able to prepare a grip zone including sanding, hard wax or klister application
    – be able to identify two or three grip waxes as being the ones that you should buy
    – be able to idenitfy two or three glide waxes as being the ones the you should buy
    – be able to idenfity the equipment you need to wax skis at home

    there will be time for questions and answers

    this workshop will prepare you for the intermediate wax clinic offered later in november

    pls rsvp by signing up on the doodle –

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