BCRR DEcember 29th

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  • #5846


    BCRR #2 Mass Start by category SKATE RACE

    Jackrabbit (pee wee, atoms) approx 800m 10:00

    Mini Midget’s approx 1.2km. b-10:10; g- 10:15

    Midget’s approx 2.1km b- 10:20

    Please arrive at the team room by 9:00 Warm-up ski begins for all TA @ 9:30

    Bibs will be in the team room unless you have not yet signed a waiver.

    Kathy, Sue, Val, Jeanie and Jane will be helping with the race, Bill Praught will be leading a cool-down ski after Aidan’s finished (approx 10:35)

    Please bring :
    1) water
    2) snacks plus sandwich or light lunch
    3) warm clothes for after the race
    4) smile!

    Parents, there may be a space issue in the team room, so if it gets overcrowded I may have to ask you to leave your child in Jane’s capable hands. Jane is the team room parent for the morning.

    After the various groups are finished racing, they should have a snack and put warm-up clothes back on. Then they should stay on and cheer their team mates!

    Be ready for a cool down ski at 10:35. Meet by the flags where we can get onto the trails, but will not be interferring for the race. Val, Sue and I are planning to race tomorrow, so I will leave Bill, Jeanie and Jane in charge of the cooldown ski. (plus any other parents that want to tag along).

    After the draw prizes, I would like all the TA kids to meet inthe Team room for a quick de-briefing of the race. This won’t take long I promise.
    Should be a good fun morning for the kids!

    Please pull out the “race tips and preparation” that was emailed before the last race to make sure the kids are ready to go!!

    See you tomorrow

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