BCRR Details

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  • #6298


    Hi Everyone here are some details for the race tomorrow. we’ve put together teams and we will bring the list tomorrow for everyone to see.

    Glide Wax : solda Performance Red, second choice solda Techno Red
    Kick Zone: clean, with a thin toko green base binder heated in

    (**bring warm up skis if you have them, put rode Multi grade on your WARM UP SKIS, we may cover with blue extra or not depending on the snow **)

    Juveniles: Race time 11:15 3 X 1.2km course
    Arrive at 9:45 to wax room.

    Midgets: Race time 11:50 3X 600m
    Arrive at 10:15 to wax room. Warm up starts at 11:15 ( bring runners just in case they are needed)

    Mini Midgets: Race time 12:20 3X 400m
    Arrive at 10:30 to wax room. Warm up starts at 11:45 (bring runners just in case)

    Peewees: Race time 12:40 250m teams of 2 or 3
    Arrive at 10:40 to wax room.

    Waxers : Michel, Norm Neil (?), Bill Praught, Roy (?) Please arrive at team room at 8:45 to get started with kick wax. Any other able waxers would also be welcome. Those that have contacted Laurie to help out we will still need your help especially with warming up.

    See you tomorrow.

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