BCRR – schedule details

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  • #6505


    Hey Track Attack Crew here is the post from the other groups to give you some general information.

    Look for Rhonda as lead, and remember to check the posting again on Friday for any more information or timing details.

    The BCRR this weekend is at Canada Olympic Park (COP)

    It is a skate sprint race for midgets/mini midgets/jackrabbits.
    It is a distance skate individual start for Juveniles and older.

    Here are the details as far as I know so far. Please check back on Friday as I am hoping to get more specific details.

    Schedule for Midgets/mini midgets and jackrabbits:
    Arrive at COP: 8:50 – 9:00 am
    Meet on snow: 9:15 am
    Race Start: 10:00 am

    Schedule for Juveniles and older:
    Arrive at COP: 10:20am
    Meet on snow: 10:30am
    Race Start: 11:30am
    * individual 15 second starts.
    **if I get more detailed info on which categories go first I will update this post on Friday

    Meet me on snow, by the biathlon area.
    I will arrange for your bibs and COP tickets (if we need them) to be there.
    If it is really cold there are two places to gather,so you don’t need to stand out in the cold, either inside the main building (in the past we have used a room in the basement), or at the East end of the parking lot by the beginning of the
    trails where there are two tents.

    Please make sure you have warm jackets with you as COP can be a chilly place.

    The forecast is for getting quite cold overnight Friday/Saturday, lows of -18. But warming up during the day. It is better for skating to wax on the cold side.
    Wax recommendation:
    1) LF4
    2) Solda F15 violet
    3) Performance Red
    4) LF6
    *keep in mind that LF4 is a very hard wax, best to scrape it off while there is still some warmth in the wax. This avoids the “chipping” that actually pulls the wax off the ski, without leaving it in the pores.

    All for now,
    Please remember to check back for any updates with more detailed information :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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