BCRR#2 – Calgary – details for T1/2s

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  • #7024


    HI team

    the second BCRR race is taking place on Saturday Jan 19 at Canada Olympic Park, Calgary. Here are our teams so far:

    Midget girls
    Clara, Karly, Emma

    Midget mixed (probablyl have to ski as midget boys as there is one boy on the team – not sure)
    Logan, Lea

    Midget girls
    Sophie, Anna P

    Arrival time: please arrive between 930 and 945am. We will meet at the trailhead warm up shelter area at COP. Please bring $8 for a trail pass. we will need to go into the daylodge to purchase these when we get there.

    10am – warm up ski as a team
    1030 – at the start area
    1045 – start of midget category

    Event format – team criterium – as many laps as you can do in a set amount of time.

    Ski prep: it was really warm in Calgary today – snow is very packed, icy – wax with performance red, scrape, and brush really well with a brass brush.

    Costumes are a great idea!


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