Biathlon – August 25-Aug 31

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  • #7565

    Rachel Koroscil

    Hi Everyone:

    With the summer coming to a close I want to thank everyone who was able to make a practice or two during the summer. Thanks to all the parents, coaches and volunteers who made the practices, demo’s and promotions happen. A big thanks and good luck to Emma as she heads off to school in Victoria.

    With a solid amount to training over the summer, in all the different forms people participated in, each of you will be ready to kick it into high gear over the next three months to get ready for the race season.

    This week we will have one practice before the backpacking trip. It will have to be later on Tuesday as I have to go to a workshop on Monday and Tuesday so….

    Tuesday, August 26 – 4:30-6:00 w/ Jeff. Precision test and a bit of combo

    The next practice will be the week of Sept 8 when we begin our fall schedule.

    Have a great week.


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