Biathlon Sept 15-Sept 21

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    Rachel Koroscil

    HI Everyone:

    It was nice to see all the LC1 and LC2 biathletes at practice on Thursday, it makes for a great team atmosphere when everyone can make the practice. Welcome to Macx Davies who will be joining us on Thursdays, his experience will be a valuable asset.

    Congratulations to Lucus, Katrine, Lance and Claire for competing in the Summer Biathlon Champs. It was a great weekend for racing.

    This week is a regular week, hopefully we can start a bit of a routine for the next few weeks. So:

    Monday: 4:45-6:30 w/Geret – please bring rollerskis, lots of combo

    +Brief parent meeting at 6:15 to review the program and answer any questions you may have+

    Tuesday: 4:30 – 6:30 – physical training and strength

    Wednesday: 4:30 – 6:15 – physical training

    Thursday: 4:15 – 5:50 w/ Jeff and Macx – Running shoes – Strength in Gym 6:00-6:30

    Saturday: 8:30 – 10:00 w/ Jeff – please bring your rollerskis

    Have a great week.


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