Bow Valley Training Camp – Aug 19-21

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  • #6571


    hi TT crew

    next week is our club’s annual summer training camp – if you are going to be in canmore next monday, tuesday , or wednesday you are invited to attend. Here are the details:

    When: MondayAug 19, Tuesday Aug 20, Wed Aug 21

    Who is this camp for: T1s, T2s, and any T3s not going to the Haig


    Mon Aug 19 – Bow Valley Prov Park,drop off and pick up at the first parking lot
    Tues Aug 20 – Grotto Mtn hike – drop off and pick up at alpine club
    Wed, Aug 21 – Banff/Vermillian Lakes – drop off at Vermilion lakes road; pick up at Douglas Fir resort

    Times – 9am – 330pm each day

    Coaches: Roy Strum CNSC, Joel Gervais, St Albert Nordic Ski Club; one assistant coach each day (club parent or TA coach or ?)

    Parent helpers – yes please – one for each day.
    Mon – still need one or two
    Tues – Vicki Perkins (maybe) and another
    Wed – still need one or two

    Mon Aug 19 – skate roller ski technique and fitness; field games; strength/core session, team building activities

    Tuesday Aug 20 – day hike up Grotto

    Wed Aug 20 – classic roller ski technique and fitness; lunch at central park; ride on coastline and hoodoo trails

    What to bring

    -rollerskis if you have them; reflective vest for rollerskiing; helmet, gloves, ski boots, poles, running shoes, bag lunch, at least 2L of water, waterbelt, trail snacks, rain layer/jacket, warm layer, sunscreen, bug lotion, mtb for wednesday.

    How to register (please do so that we know who is attending each day)


    – do we need to attend all three days – no
    – do i need my own roller skis – no we will use club skis – bring your own if you have them

    I am still looking for an assistant coach for each monday and wednesday – please let me know

    also for wednesday – we will need to get bikes to vermilion lakes – bring a bike lock and we will lock bikes to a post and ride to lunch downtown and then ride to coastline and hoodoo trails in the afternoon

    any questions – please let me know


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