Christmas Break Training *UPDATED*

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  • #7836

    Rachel Koroscil

    Over the Christmas break we will have 6 team training sessions on the following days:

    Tuesday (22) 1:00-3:00 (after volunteering in the morning): Skate ski, distance with some speed work. Meet at the teamroom.

    Wednesday (23) 10:00-12:30 Classic ski at Cascade Fire Road We will meet at the Lake Minnewanka Parking area. Please be ready to ski at 10:00. Don’t forget to pack your lunch and change of clothes as it is a 1/2 hour drive each way. (Please let Matt or Allison know if you will be coming).

    Monday (28) HOLIDAY RELAYS 11:45-1:15 at the Nordic Center- Skating or classic- see the flyer on the main page for more details.

    Tuesday (29) 11 -3:30 MT. SHARK DAY
    Details to come in email.

    Wednesday (30) 10:00-11:30 Classic Intensity, meet at the teamroom.

    Thursday (31) 4:30 to 6:00 OPTIONAL shooting session. Static shooting with precision, ammo testing, and sight re-zeroing (how to bring your sights to zero). Must bring your own ammo to test and let me know if you’re coming.

    Saturday (2) 9:30-12:00 Classic ski in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park. We will meet at the Pocaterra parking area at the north end of the system. Don’t forget your dry clothes for after training and a lunch/big snack.

    Sunday (3) 10:00-12:00 Skate time trial. Meet at the teamroom. First starter for the time trial will be at 10:45.

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