Dec 29th, 30th Details

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  • #6169


    Hi Team

    Hope your holidays are relaxing and your getting out skiing!

    We have a couple sessions this coming week:

    Dec 29th: BCRR. Classic team sprint. Base wax to be posted in a couple days, race kick waxing details TBD.

    registration: … 6&cache=no

    or direclty at;
    ** sign up for series if you are going to do more than 2 BCRR’s

    Athletes that participate in all 4 BCRR races join the 500 point club.

    Start times and details will be posted in couple of days – waiting confirmation from Canmore race crew on this.

    Dec 30th: Classic distance ski. Elk Pass Park (meet at Elk Pass parking lot @9:30am). We will tackle some of the small narrow single track trails. Please be prepared, bring a lunch for afterwards. Snacks, water, extra gloves and/or hats, a stuff jacket. We will generally plan to be around that area but it is an adventure if we can string together a few trails to do a loop for around 2-2.5 hours. Kids and adults need to be prepared to ski for that duration with a possibility of not returning to the parking lot until finished. Peter Lougheed provincial park tends to be a few degrees colder than canmore. Plan accordingly. I’ll post a wax recommendation leading up to Thursday, hopefully the conditions will be stable and we can get away with using the race wax from BCRR Wednesday.

    See you this week.
    Regular sessions start back up Jan 3rd.

    Take er easy 😀

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