Another great week! I hope you learned a lot about waxing and are keen about waxing your own skis forever!
Check the CNSC wax guide on how to wax your skis.
This week:
Monday (3): LC/LC+. 430-545. Classic with a guest coach.
Tuesday (4): No training. A good time to wax and scrape your skis for the weekend and start packing. I will give you a glide wax recommendation today.
Wednesday (5): LC/LC+. 430-530 only. PLEASE DO NOT COME IF YOU DON’T FEEL 100% OR HAVE A SORE THROAT. Go straight to the snow when you arrive and start skiing in Z1-2. We will meet in front of the biathlon building warmed up at 445. Use your non race skate skis. Race prep intensity.
Thursday-Sunday: In Sovereign.