Dec 5-6 weekend racing info- updated!!!

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  • #6472


    Hi Team

    Great start this weekend! Looked like you all gave great efforts out there!

    Next races are up right away, this means you’ll need to register ASAP

    Youth/Jr/Sr: Biathlon NORAM #2

    registration (deadline Tuesday night!)

    waxing: You will base wax your ski’s after official training on friday. Use official training to select a ski (or two if necessary).

    Sr Boys/Girls: XC AB Cup, (all info here, reg. deadline Tuesday night!). It would be great to race both days! Please let me know if you will be racing or not.

    Waxing: XC AB cup racers should come to NC team room between 3-4pm on friday to wax their ski’s. Kathy will be there to supervise and let you know what to apply.

    😀 😀 😀

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