December 11 to 22

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  • #8732

    Rachel Koroscil

    Please remember we are limited in range space and time this week.

    Monday, Dec 11th LC+
    4:30-6:15 Skate Combo + Drills.
    4:30-5:30 for those who were in Sovereign – Drills and some easy skiing.

    Tuesday, Dec 12th LC/LC+
    4:30-6:15pm: Z2 classic ski with XC but no sprints (0:45) + strength in gym (1:00)

    Wednesday, Dec 13th LC/LC+
    4:30-6:00 Biathlon with Sprints – Skate Combo

    Thursday, Dec 14th LC+
    4:30-5:45 Joining XC for BE Intensity

    Saturday, Dec 16th LC/LC+
    4:30-6:00 Shortened Sprint-type Time Trial x2

    Monday, Dec 18th LC+
    4:30-6:00 Skate Combo with Geret

    Tuesday, Dec 19th LC/LC+
    Physical Training + Strength with XC (no shooting) See XC forum for training mode and time.

    PARENT SPORT PSYCHOLOGY “Motivation to win in sport and in life” 6:30-8:00PM, BWTC

    Wednesday, Dec 20th LC/LC+
    4:30-6:00 Biathlon Intensity Skate

    Thursday, Dec 21st LC+
    4:30-6:00 Skate Combo

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