December 25-31 *Updated DEC31 due to cold temperatures

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  • #8774

    Alain Parent

    Happy holidays to all! May you sleep lots and take good care of your parents….

    We’ll have team training during the holidays. Check Training Peaks for other workouts. Here’s the plan for this week:

    Thursday (28): LC/LC+ 1:00-2:30pm. Meet at team room for some distance and classic sprints.

    Saturday (30): LC/LC+ 9:30-11:00. STRENGTH only. Meet at the BWTC.

    Sunday (31): LC/LC+ Team Training canceled due to cold and moved to tomorrow with the hopes the forecast is right and it warms up. Get out for an easy distance session on your own this afternoon.

    Training days next week will be Jan 1 – 2 – 4 – 6

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