December 26th – 8th January *Updated – Jan 5th*

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    Alain Parent

    MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL! Wishing you all a wonderful and festive Christmas and New Year period. We have a few opportunities to get together for some skiing so here’s the plan!

    Tuesday 27th 10am – 12:30
    Classic distance at Lake Louise. Bring your drink belt, wax and cork and a change of clothes to put on after the ski. Wax recommendation to come.

    Friday 30th 12noon
    XMAS Club relays. Get dressed up, get your team together and have some fun with other Club members. Don’t forget to sign up you team on the spreadsheet. See the flier emailed out for details.

    **With very cold temps predicted for Mon & Tues session has been moved to Wed afternoon**
    Wednesday 4th 2:55pm – 5pm
    Classic technique and strength. Wax recommendation: Base binder of Rode Multigrade covered with Swix Blue Extra. Please bring your athlete journal/writing pad. Drink belt, snack and a change of clean indoor shoes and gym clothes needed.

    Friday 6th 2:30pm – 4:30pm **Please note time change!
    Skating with video technique and speed work. Biathletes racing on the weekend are to attend race practice with Rachel from 2:30 – 3:30pm then come and join their T2T teammates on the tear drop on the Bow trail to have their video taken. Drink belts and snack needed.

    Sunday 8th 9am – 12noon
    Built 4 Speed. Here’s our chance to practice going fast and have some fun! See the flier attached to this post for full details.

    Registration for Kootney Cup in Kimberley now open:

    Biathlon Athletes

    There will be no official biathlon training over the holidays. We will resume on January 10th. For those of you racing on Jan 7th and 8th, there will be a special race preparation practice on January 6th from 2:30-3:30 where we can go over the race and the course. (Due Jan 4th)
    Don’t forget to register if you plan on racing. Do notice there is some overlap between the biathlon race and Build 4 Speed. Whatever you would like to do is fine with us!
    Race details to come in a separate forum post.

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