Feb 14,15

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  • #7072


    Hi Team, I hope you had a good weekend. I will be away for your sessions this week, with a short notice trip back to Ontario. I have lined up some replacements for me this week. For Tuesday, the kids that went to ABWG’s take the day off, rest, recovery. I will assume everyone else will be at the Tuesday session, if you know you will be away please let me know as soon as you can, as we may have to cancel the session if only a few people can attend.

    Tuesday 4:45-6:15. CLASSIC. Apply a few layers of Rode Violet, hopefully we get this lite snow they are calling for. If not, apply some Swix Universal klister. ABWGer’s focus on getting good rest this week, good food, and good hygiene. Your bodies are very susceptible to germs and viruses this week with so much energy being expended on the weekend.

    Wednesday 4:45-6:15 SKATE. If you’re on the edge of anything or feel less than 7/10 (10 feeling great, 5 feeling ok not great, 1 being in bed all day) Stay home and catch up on your energy. Otherwise we’ll see you out there. We will swing by the team room to pick up the biathletes at 5:30.

    Saturday/ Family Day weekend. Plan a fun ski with your friends and family. Peter Lougheed is in great shape, you can pre-ski the Cookie Race course, or Mt. Shark- bring the dog. Get out and be active.

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