Feb 16-28th

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  • #6216


    Hi Team

    Here is the next 2 weeks of training. We’ll focus on some good intensity (races) workouts this week and keep the hours a little lower. Then next week we’ll increase the volume once again and do the cookie race as part of that!

    Tuesday (17): 4:30-6:30
    Macx- Sprint course workout with XC
    T2/TC- Z1 combo warm-up and strength
    TW: 1.0hr Z1 combo

    Wednesday (18): 9:00-11:00
    a.m. (TW): Z4 combo

    p.m. (T2-TC): 4:30-6:30
    a) Those racing thursdays XC Sprint- Z1 combo with 8-10×10″ sprints
    b) Those not racing sprints- Z3-4 combo

    Thursday (19):
    a.m. XC Westerns Sprint- Many of you are doing this, you don’t need to come to practice at night in your case.

    p.m. (9:00-10:30am) For those who will not do the XC Sprints- come do Z1 combo with Stewart.

    Friday (20):
    a) Going to Edmonton- Leave in a.m. and meet at 1:30pm at Edmonton range for combo
    b) XC Westerns- please check XC forum for details. Alain will update the forum with race info so check it a couple time a day!

    Saturday (21): Races

    Sunday (22): Races

    Monday: OFF

    Tuesday (24): 4:30-6:00
    Z1 combo. Come and do your combo, many of you have long ski’s (up to 2.0hr). Range will be open till 6:00pm and then you can just ski to finish.

    Wednesday (25):
    a.m. (TW): Z1-4 combo

    p.m. (T2-TC): Distance ski with XC. Don’t be late!

    Thursday (26): 4:30-6:00
    (T2-TC, TW on own) Z1 combo with 10-15 sprints. Come and do your combo, many of you have long ski’s (up to 2.0hr). Range will again be open till 6:00pm and then you can ski to finish hours.

    Friday (27): on own TW long distance! and T2/TC have strength

    Saturday (28): Cookie race. EVERYONE register please. We will use this as a distance and long intensity workout. Very important for loading. http://zone4.ca/onlinereg.asp?id=2072

    12-14yrs old- 5km (Sam, Rhea)
    15-17 yrs old- 15km (T2/TC)
    18+- 24km (TW)

    for 15-24km racers you will race in Z3 until the last 5km and then you should go for it!!

    Sunday (1): Z1 Combo, some have Z1 distance ski and some recovery ski. Make sure your in mid Z1 (not high) for this workout. If you doing a long workout you should shoot for the first 1.0-1.25hrs of it.

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