Feb 27-March 4

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    Hi Team

    Great job in Hinton, in particular, really good skiing by all! It appears you are fit and this also means we will keep the training load up through this week. Next week you will see a reduction in volume and some good intensity sessions…all so we are skiing our best at Nationals!

    For those going to Nationals: It would be a good time to inform your teachers you will be away for 1-2 weeks in March. Maybe you could even get ahead!? 🙂

    This week:

    Camrose got hit by a dump of snow, so the race is on!

    Tuesday (28): 1630-18:30. Z1 skate combo and gym strength.

    Wednesday (29): 1630-18:30. Z1-3 skate combo, some upper-body ski strength

    Thursday (1): 1630-1830, team room. Bring 2 sets of ski’s, good ski’s and rock ski’s. This session will be with XC.
    Session: Fun “hors piste” ski on skate rock skis and old poles. Bring both set of equipment and we will change in the middle. No padding required, but bring your best yell! Once this is finished you need to keep skiing until you have 1.75-2.0hrs of training (Z1).

    Friday: Meet in Camrose at 1pm for training (range closed at 3:00pm). We will do some Z1 combo and sprints. It takes about 4.5hrs from Canmore to the Camrose range (leaving Canmore between 8-8:30am should do it). See invitation below for directions. If you want to google map the range it is beside the Camrose dump.

    Saturday and Sunday: Calforex Cup
    Races: Mass start and sprint, plus a fun sprint race on Saturday afternoon. Remember to also get a banquet ticket!
    Info: http://biathlon.ca/documents/AlbertaChampionshipsInvitation2012_000.pdf
    Register: https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=2842&lan=1&cartlevel=1

    See y’all Tuesday!

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