February 11 – 17

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    Matt DeCarufel


    Well done over in Kelowna pushing yourselves and racing hard 3 days in a row. It takes a lot of energy to travel, race, and be out in the cold, so the major theme of this week is rest and recovery. We coaches are always observing, analyzing, and thinking to create the best training possible for the team, and right now it is time to get that energy back up. Take your recovery as seriously as you take your training, and your body will thank you.

    This week challenge yourself to get to bed 30 min to 1hr earlier than usual each night. “Studies suggests that increasing the amount of sleep an athlete receives may significantly enhance performance.” -Shona L. Halson, PhD 2013

    Training This week:

    Tuesday(12): NO TEAM TRAINING

    Wednesday(13) 4:30-6:00 LC/LC+ Classic Distance. Meet at the Teamroom.

    Thursday(14): NO TEAM TRAINING

    Friday(15) – Sunday(17): AB CUP 5&6 in Drayton Valley.

    “I sleep at least 10 hours a night, and then take a two-hour nap in the afternoon,” -Heidi Weng

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