February 14 – 20 UPDATED

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    Alain Parent

    Hello Team 😀

    Interesting conditions to race in on Saturday. New snow at zero degrees are the toughest conditions to ski/wax in. I can’t recall having these conditions in Canmore before, but this is quite common on the coast of Canada and Norway. The best option for that day was to use zero skis (special material under the foot of the ski) or make “hairies” from a soft camber ski. What we learned: always bring a pair of zero skis or soft cambered ski the morning of a race when the temperature is between -2 and +5 and there is a chance of snow. I’m glad we were able to practice to ski in difficult conditions on a “race-training” day, now we are ready for a more important race.

    Welcome back to Canmore Madeleine – she took part in the Eastern Canadians this past weekend (same for Annika, Pate and Bronwyn).

    We are now entering a volume stage. Check TP for your own training.The team sessions are the following this week:

    Tuesday (15): Team room, 4:30-6:30pm. We will ski on the Nationals course today in skating and go in the gym at 5:30pm. Bring your regular gym gear for today.

    Wednesday (16): Team room, 4:30-6:15pm. Distance day today in classic. Looks like it will be back to colder snow. Most likely Rode multigrade will work great with a binder first.

    Thursday (17): Another distance day. Team room, 4:30-6:30pm. Classic Z1 with sprints. Don’t bring your absolute best skis (but not rock skis). Bring classic AND skate poles

    Weekend (19/20): We will not get together this weekend for training. But it is important that you continue the volume loading. Phone a friend or drag a parent to go skiing. Check TP for more details.

    “Sports create a bond between comtemporaries that lasts a lifetime. It also gives your life structure, discipline and a genuine, sincere, pure fulfillment that few other areas of endeavor provide.”

    —Bob Cousy

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