February 16th – 22nd **Updated**

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    Alain Parent

    Monday 16th
    Family Day – no practice

    Wednesday 18th
    T1’s – Skate strength: we’ll spend some time skating without poles and also working on upper body position and core control, particularly during Offset technique. Head lamps and drink belts essential.
    T2’s please arrive at the Team Room by 4:30pm for the LC1 workout. 4:30-6:00. Bring skate skis, classic boots, classic poles. Check that your classic boots fit your skate bindings.

    Saturday 21st
    10:00-12:00 Skate ski with speed work. Meet at the team room.

    Skis are not just pieces of wood, steel & fibreglass.
    They are tools of escape.
    A medium for personal expression.
    A way to challenge fears, push limits & share incredible experiences
    with your friends.

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