February 20th – 26th

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    Alain Parent

    It may be warming up but there is still plenty of good skiing to be had and time to tweak our technique and fitness before the final events of the season. Now is an important time to make sure we are coming into races healthy and well rested so please take care of yourselves, get into bed early, drink plenty of water and only train when you have good energy – this applies to all the sports you are doing.

    As a reminder, I have attached the Biathlon and XC race schedule that Rachel and I emailed out at the beginning of the season. Please look over it and check off the races you have done to ensure you have not overloaded yourself. Kinder Cup races are not on the list but they count as races too! We want to make sure you are coming into the final events of the season as fresh as possible 8)

    Monday 20th

    TT Biathlon – NEW TIME 4:30-6:00
    Some training in the day time :mrgreen: Please let me know if you are not coming.

    Tuesday 21st 9 – 11am @ CNC
    T2’s only. Skate working on our technique intervals on the Nationals race course. Drink belt and snack needed and layer up so that you can take a layer off during the intensities.

    Wednesday 22nd 5 – 6:30pm @ CNC
    T1’s only. Classic technique with speed work. Drink belt and headlamps please. Wax recommendation to come…..

    Thursday 23rd 6:30 – 8pm @ CNC
    T2’s only. Tonight we are getting together with our buddies from Foothills to practice for the classic sprint race at Nationals. The session will replicate a sprint race so please dress in layers so you can put on and take off layers between heats etc. Bring a drink and make sure you do not eat a big meal right before coming 😯 😳 😛


    Saturday 25th 10am – 12 noon @ CNC
    All T2Ts. Classic ski, distance with technique drills and skills. Drink belt and snack needed. Wax recommendation to come.

    Cookie Race – Kananaskis, Sat 25th
    There is no formal race support at this event but it is super fun so if you haven’t done your 12 – 14 races for the year you may want to include this one! A note from the race organizers:
    Please carpool to the race if possible, and arrive a little early because you might have to park at the Peter Lougheed Visitor Information Centre, 3km down the highway. A free shuttle bus will run all day between the Visitor Centre and the start/finish line at Pocaterra Hut.

    You can register at http://www.cookierace.com until Wednesday February 22 at 9:30pm.

    ALBERTA CUPS 7 & 8 – Canmore
    Registration is on Zone4 – search 2017 Alberta XC Championships….
    Please register as Canmore Nordic!

    Be a pineapple.
    Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.

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