February 21-27 UPDATED

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  • #6803

    Alain Parent

    Hello Team, I hope you had a good long weekend and were able to get out for some distance training. This will pay off later in March.

    Make sure you register for the Cookie race this weekend. Info is on http://www.zone4.ca.

    Here’s the plan for this week, updated as of Monday 9am:

    Tuesday (22): As it will be cold the next couple of days, we will have a good quality intensity session today. Z1 classic with Z4 intensity (herringbone). No strength in gym today, 4:30-6:00pm.

    Wednesday (23): Gym session today. No skiing. Meet with Kendra, Colin, Natasha, Sam M., Nelson and a parent each (if possible) at 6pm – small meeting room at BWTC.

    Thursday (24): If it’s not too cold, Z1 classic ski for those that are around. 10:30-11:45am. Bring your gym clothes/gear as well as we will do an indoor session if it’s too cold to ski.

    Saturday (26): Cookie Race:
    * 24km & 42km start in waves at 10:00 am sharp
    * 15km start at 10:25am
    * 5km start at 10:30am

    Arrive 1.25-1.5hrs before your start. Check the start list here: http://zone4.ca/results.asp?ID=3676&cat=all&pt=1

    Remember that you might have to park far away. I suggest car pooling to reduce cars on the road. Find me at the CNSC wax tables close to the lodge. Please wax a pair of training skis at home (Rode multigrade purple covered by Swix blue extra).

    Saturday recommendation: It’s going to warm up for Saturday, but the overnight low should still be around -20. Make sure you bring warm clothes for during and after the race. For those doing the longer distances (24km+), please plan to carry sport drink with you. Glide wax your skis with Swix LF4 (best) or another green wax such as Solda Technio green or Start green. Please make sure the wax pocket is clean, marked with a sharpie and write the number of layers your skis need on painters tape on the tip of the ski. Apply a layer of Swix VG35 basewax (best) or Toko green; heat it in with a heat gun or wax iron (not your glide iron!).

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