February 22-28 *Updated Thursday 2pm*

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello TTs,

    Amazing work at the RMSC on Saturday! 10km is a long distance to race at your age, but everyone who was out gave it their all and completed the challenge well! Very impressive.

    The forecast for the weekend is improving, but be sure to check back on the forum later in the week.

    Monday(22) Skate @ CNC
    POD 6: 5:00-6:15 Meet at the Firehydrant
    POD 7: 5:00-6:15 Meet at the Teamroom
    POD 8: 6:15-7:30 Meet at the Firehydrant
    POD 9: 6:15-7:30 Meet at the Teamroom
    Tonight we are going to work on downhill skills galore. Be sure to have your headlamp as we will venture off the lit loop. The current forecast is for some snow, so wear your glasses.

    Tuesday(23) Classic @ CNC
    POD 8: 5:00-6:15 Meet at the Firehydrant
    POD 9: 5:00-6:15 Meet at the Teamroom
    POD 6: 6:15-7:30 Meet at the Firehydrant
    POD 7: 6:15-7:30 Meet at the Teamroom
    Tonight will be a little sprint simulation putting all these great skills you have been working on to use in a speedy environment.

    Thursday(25) Biathlon @ CNC
    POD Biathlon: 4:45-6:15

    Saturday(27) Classic Distance @ Cascade Fire Road
    POD 6: 9:25-11:55
    POD 7: 9:25-11:55
    POD 8: 9:30-12:00
    POD 9: 9:30-12:00
    All groups to meet at the gate (start of the ski trail/road closed sign). We will all ski out and back on this great trail. Turnaround time is 1.5hr as it is faster on the return. Pack a bar for the middle of the ski and a lunch/dry clothes for after. Parent helpers always needed and appreciated. Sign up on the usual document. We can have more than 1 parent with each POD if many are keen. We just need to stay under the max of 10 people. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VM2I3JiCOm4wEsQenW5SE4k_-nSiAsIEwNqvLsixZFA/edit#gid=0

    Driving directions: https://goo.gl/maps/AMAwJP8LjxDNDq7u7

    Forecast is looking good at about -13C, so the day is a go as planned. See you at the trailhead!

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