February 24- March 1

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello TTs,

    Great racing over the weekend in Edmonton (BIA) and Camrose (XC)! After Kimberley, AWG, and this past weekend, you are probably a little tired. Give yourself the rest you need to be able to perform well at training. 2 more weekends of racing coming at you to round out the season: Alberta Youth Champs and Edmonton AB Cup 7&8.

    The registration deadline for Alberta Youth Champs is Feb 28, 23:59 MT. There are only 20 Canmore Nordic Atheltes signed up, so be sure you get on it if you are attending the event. Registration Link here: https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=22822

    Edmonton AB Cup is just over 2 weeks away, but there is still not a race notice with specific details for the event. As soon as that is available, I will share that info. Website that will eventually have info is here: https://www.edmontonnordic.ca/alberta-cup/

    Monday(24)– No team training- Rest and recover after Camrose/Edmonton

    Tuesday(25) **BIATHLON** 5:00 – 6:30– Biathlon with Justin & Rachel.

    Wednesday(26) 5:00-6:30 @ CNC

    Skate Ski- traffic training and skiing in a pack

    Saturday(29) 12:30-2:30 @ CNC
    Classic Ski- Continuous distance

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