February 28 – March 6

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    Alain Parent

    Make sure you register for the Drayton Alberta Cups if you are intending on attending.

    Don’t register for any races at Nationals just yet (deadline is March 13th).

    Heads up: we will have a Nationals meeting for athletes and parents of minors on March 8th at 8pm

    Monday (28):

    2 options:

    1. Complete your volume hours from last week
    2. Stretch and roll if you have completed your volume hours

    Tuesday (1): 

    Jackrabbit coaching. This is not training but lots of fun on snow with kids!

    Wednesday (2):
    Multi, Primo, Team Trail Sports Development

    445-615: Skate intensity (race prep). Meet at flag row at 445

    Thursday (3):

    No team training due to Drayton AB Cups. Check your TP for individual training.


    Drayton Valley AB Cups

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