February 6-12

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  • #16478

    Alain Parent

    Great racing at the Westerns. Strong performance by our club – all of you!

    For this week:
    Training for the next 2 weeks is quite simple. Train at the right aerobic intensity (Z1 and Z2) and your pace or power at aerobic levels improves. If you train 5-10-15 beats per minute too hard aerobically, the opposite happens – this is called aerobic deficiency. It is not where you want to be. Spend most of your time going easy, we will sprinkle some hard training later this week. Don’t go too hard when you’re supposed to go easy, or you’ll go too easy when you’re supposed to go hard!

    A well deserved rest day on Monday.

    Wednesday (8)
    4:45-6:30 Distance, classic. Most likely klister waxing. Meet at biathlon range. Please arrive on time.

    Thursday (9)
    4:45-6:30 Distance, skate. Meet at flag row.

    Saturday (11)
    900-1130 Distance, skate with speed work. Meet at flag row.

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