February 7 – 13 UPDATED

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    Alain Parent

    Hello Team 😀

    Great skiing at the Westerns. I am very proud of you on how you dealt with the races and it was a fun trip too! I’m sure you are all very tired now, good timing as it is a recovery block these next few days.

    Here’s a draft schedule for now, but check back on Tuesday afternoon for more details:

    Monday (7): Rest day

    Tuesday (8): No team training, check your TP for the details

    Wednesday (9): Short classic ski for 1 hour on your own (before of after your meeting) + individual meetings at the BWTC small meeting room – please be on time. Please let me know by email if you can’t make your meeting.
    4:30 Nelson
    4:40 Peter
    4:50 Kendra
    5:00 Sam
    5:10 Marc
    5:20 Paul
    5:30 Open
    5:40 Carly
    5:50 Madeleine
    6:00 Natasha
    6:10 Colin
    6:20 Ben

    Thursday (10): Team training, 4:30-5:45pm. Skate ski. Meet with Siobhan right after training

    Friday (11): Check TP for training. Make sure you are registered for the BCRR tomorrow. Check back here later in the week for a wax recommendation.

    Saturday (12): BCRR, Canmore Nordic Centre, classic, mass start. Register for the short distance (6.5k); Marc/Ben 3km. Race detail here: http://bcrr.ca/league.php?scriptName=LEAGUEINFO&leagueID=9899&leagueInfoID=35571

    Have a great week :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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