February 9-15 **Updated**

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    Alain Parent

    Great job in Camrose/Canmore everyone. Camrose was a very good race trip for our club and athletes are getting more and more mature.

    This week is Kimberley racing! It’s going to be lots of fun, see below for more details.

    Monday (9): Rest up from the Camrose/Canmore races. BNo training. Do 10 minutes of stretching

    Wednesday (11): Tonight we will join the LC’s for a hike up Lady Mac, starting at 4:45pm and finishing at 6:45pm. You will need ski striding poles, shoes with good grip, your drink belt and a head lamp! Parents welcome.

    Kimberley…IS ON!! 😛 😛 😛
    The race organisers have given us the thumbs up so we are full steam ahead now. Please wax, scrape and brush both skate and classic skis with Solda Performance Red and ensure you clean your skis properly for Sunday’s classic race! Make sure you pack your skis carefully with ski straps or socks and rubber bands to stop them rubbing together in transit.

    Entry Deadline is Thursday 12th 11pm on Zone4. https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=8683&logout=1&lan=1

    Here’s the plan so far:
    Saturday 14th
    Team Meeting at 9am Kirkwood Inn lobby.
    11am start of first race – 3km Individual Skate
    Another Team Meeting to confirm Sunday race details TBC.

    Sunday 15th
    9am first race start – 5km Individual* Start Classic *changed due to snow conditions.

    Also FYI the alpine slopes at Kimberley got 30 cm of fresh snow at the top over the weekend. Lower slopes got rain. So guessing conditions would be good up top and icy/spring corn down below in case you are thinking about throwing your alpine skis in still.

    Cookie Race – Early Bird Deadline Thursday 12th Feb!!

    Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement
    Matt Biondi

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