First week of fall training :) UPDATED

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    Hi Team,

    ** Your training peaks accounts have been updated for the next 2 weeks 8)

    It’s fall training once again!! Wahooo 😀

    Our first week is a busy one, so get ready to start off the fall in a big way!

    Tuesday (6): 4:15-6:00pm, Z1-4 Rski SK. Meet at Harvie Heights parking lot (parking lot half way out to HH on your right). Typical tuesday’s will start at 4:15pm.

    Wednesday (7): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1-2 Classic combo, some ski strength, continued work on range plan. Last 30min will be with XC.

    Thursday (8): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1 running combo with speed + strength warm-up till 5:30pm, then head to the gym with XC for strength.

    Saturday (9): Double workout day, make it happen
    a.m. Z1 run with team. 9:30am meet at Quarry parking lot for a 2.0hr run.

    p.m. Sprint Biathlon Race. More details to come

    Sunday (10):
    a.m. Pursuit Biathlon Race. More details to come.

    **See my previous post (Alberta Summer Biathlon Championsips) for details. I’ll send out meeting times etc. later in the week.

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