Friday June 11 Triathlon Information

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    Alain Parent

    Hello Team 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

    The T3/LC/PC triathlon is fast approaching. Note that the bike and run portions will be different than the T1/T2 triathlon so read on:

    The swim will be at the Canmore pool. Arrive at the latest at 12:45pm with all your gear (swim suit, mt-bike, helmet, running shoes, clothing, etc). We will have a few wave starts for the swimming portion. The swim will be 16 laps or 400 meters (remember that last Thursday’s workout was 1000 meters!).

    You will ride your bike slowly to the Nordic Centre from the pool (as a warm up), where the bike and run courses will take place (Roddy and I will have our cars and can bring your stuff from the rec centre to the nordic centre). The bike will be about 8km and the run about 3-4km.

    We will be done at about 3:00pm at the team room.

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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