friday ski strength plan

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  • #5979



    For those who did strength yesterday, here is your ski strength plan for friday

    10min warm-up ski
    2x legs only Z1 + sprint
    2x Double pole Z1 (DP) with Diagonal arms (DA) + sprint – use classic poles.
    5min ski with 10″ sprint every 1 minute
    Cool-down to finish hours

    Route starts at Quarry and goes just past NC entrance, then back down. Do this 2x legs only first, then 2x DP. When DP’ing you should do DA’s from the start of the guard rail (after pump hourse on right) till the NC entrance. Once at NC entrance (each time) do a 10″ sprint up the hill. Turn around once sprint is finished.

    You’ll need skate ski’s, skate poles and classic poles.

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