Hey T1/2 Team – Way to Go!

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  • #7390


    what an incredible day of races! in our friday race prep session you shared with me what success means to you – i sure saw lots of success on saturday! way to go!

    Everyone’s performance was outstanding – our whole T1/2 team qualified for heats -a remarkable accomplishment.

    A couple of moments stand out for me in the day.

    Jack Collison’s first ski race and what does he do – qualifies for the heats! nicely done Jack.

    Kota’s 8th place finish in the sprints – incredible effort from a dude who hasn’t done much racing – he shows himself he is capable!

    Anna’s gutsy effort in the sprint finals.

    Incredible climbing by so many of our skiers – Clara, Mel, Megan, Logan, Jack M.

    Great come-backs by Eric, Devin, and Matteo who had falls or near falls.

    Some incredible speed and focus by Wil, Ava, and Oranne who all skied faster than I have ever seen them ski.

    Well done everyone!

    on to some classic racing on sunday


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