Jan 10-16 training- updated Friday 9:00am

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    Hi Team

    Great job this weekend!! Saw everyone working hard out there 😀

    Little chilly this week so check back here regularly for changes!

    Tuesday (11): Z1-2 CL ski with technique. Finish with 30min dryfire in BTWC. 4:30-6:30pm.

    Wednesday (12): 4:30-6:30pm. Short warm-up classic ski, strength in gym, standing dryfire to finish

    Thursday (13): Z1 classic ski (1.5hr) and dryfire to finish. 4:30-6:30pm.

    Friday (14): Training on your own. 45min easy run

    Saturday (15): Z3-4 combo, 11am start (come 10min early so we can start right at 11). Finished shooting at 12:30pm. 😀 Time to put all that good standing dryfire work to the real thing!

    Sunday (16): Z1 skate ski in the middle of the day. Do 12 X 5sec sprints (1 every minute). 5 sec sprint = 5 strong and fast pushes with your arms. Total time for this workout 1.5hrs.

    I will wait until the cold snap clears before distributing training plans. See a separate posting on the new prescription method.

    Bring over mits this week for shooting! You can always take them off to shoot and you will be a lot happier with them on!! 😀 😀

    Also: Remember to be on time. We start shooting sessions at 4:35pm (need to be set-up, loaded and either skiing or dryfiring by then). Wednesday we leave at 4:30pm sharp, so if you need to wax then arrive a little early.

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