Jan 12-20th training week

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  • #6143


    Hi Team:

    Here is the dealio for the next week….

    Tuesday 4:30-6:00pm (T2-TC-TW): Z1 combo with sprints. There is a “Team challenge” race this night, feel free to participate! or if you want to help out with the event let me know (I could use help!).

    Wednesday 9:00-11:00pm (TW): Z1-4 combo (very light intensity)

    Wednesday 4:30-6:30 (T2-TC): Z1 CL combo with sprints

    Thursday 9:00-11:00am (TW): Z1 CL combo, some accels

    Thursday 4:30-6:30pm (T2-TC): Z1 SK combo and strength maint.

    Friday 9:00-11:00am (Those doing trials):

    Saturday (17th): Trials Sprint race

    Sunday (18th): Trials Pursuit race

    Monday: easy ski on own

    Tuesday (20th): Trials Sprint race (no team training this night)

    Wednesday: OFF for everyone

    More info on the weekend will come out thursday. I will update the forum daily with info starting thursday night, please always check here a few times a day plus once right before bed and once when you first wake up.

    Rest well!
    ps. I wil update training plans on the wednesday after trials.

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